Tuesday, August 14, 2007

walking on

i was just going thru some of my college friends' profiles and also some not so good friends' profiles as well...........and i realised that everyone has held onto the college life in some fashion or other.........they hav pictures, testimonials, stuff that seems to connect them back to those friends......I, on the other hand, have moved on ....i have moved away from all of this......and its always been like that with me.......i can never hold onto people because i never get dependent on them......i am friends to a lot of people but there is not a single friend of mine......

I've still not found a person to whom i can pour out my deepest dark secrets, my pain , my sins and myself.......why is that i am such a complex person......i hardly kno how to maintain contacts.....really bad at calling up people.......wot i can express thru written language i can never do with the spoken language....and this is one shortcoming of mine i guess......

The thing is that i dont wanna do anything about it ... i mean i am perfectly fine with moving on and not clawing the past........the question is, is it it something that shud'nt be..... i mean is it bad if i have no info about wots happenin in other ppl's i minding too much of my own business????????

i've never been interested in things about my friends life....until unless they want me to be involved.....i guess this is because i dont want people to scrape off my life from me.....i respect my privacy and others as well ...and thats why i keep myself away from others......

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Finally left my job to pursue a seemingly more useful and productive ambition........Yeah! Yeah ....i am gonna go for the MBA!!!!!

seems big to others but to me its just another thing that i m doing for my parents and for my life ahead......why is that for a good life with no tensions u have to let go of things that u really dig... i mean i really didnt want to leave my job but i had to because i dont wanna live in misery......and thats true!!!!!!! Girls from my kinda bG are stuck between the dream of having fun and the reality of being successful and both things cant go hand in hand....Can they??????

i kno i m gonna get married one day and my husband can get me all i want but why cant be the other way round........why shud'nt I fend his dreams...his wants and his desires.......Come to think of it...we all kno guys get to hav so much fun but on the other hand they spend their whole life being responsible for ma and pa and then for wifey dear and then kids and then it ends.......and this is true..........its true for an average guy coming from an average family.......We girls hav it easy is there to protect us.....evenif u dont study and make it big , papa dear will find u a rich hubby..........and so all of it is taken care of!!!!!!!

Wen i am married i am gonna give my sweety,one whole year of vacation to enjoy 365 days of bliss...... visiting places we both wanna go to.......let him sit back and relax and enjoy one year without thinking about work and bills and things!!!!

Thats wot i am gonna do..............................and thats why i wanna earn real good and real fast and for that i have to study more and Grab that golden oppurtunity hanging somewhere there!!!!!!!