Thursday, October 11, 2007

Misunderstood Forgetness

golden old days....are old days actually golden......well a part of them are gold but there are some tarnished moments as well. And the ghosts of these tarnished times never leave me alone.....its as if they are hanging around me all the time in the wait of another dark moment that will hang around my neck my whole life.

No matter how much i try to forget them, shove them under my bed, they still lurk around and all i do is wait..i just wait for one of them to ruin whatever i have in my hand and cant help it at all.

Though i never look insecure or scared of situations , i end up fighting my demons all on my own......even if i try to open up, let somebody kno about them, nobody is ready to believe that i can doubt my strenght, that there is something that i cant fight .

But its true..its a reality.......i am scared of thiings that happened in my past and i am scared of thinkin about my w ould it go...would it be fine....and end in a good night's sleep!!!!